I always avoid walmart like a plague covered in STDs. I always try to go to target, so that I can avoid everything in there. It always feels dirty and depressing in there. It's where people go to slowly die. The lines are so slow, which makes no sense because they have more lanes than a bowling alley, but yet I find myself waiting to check out for 30 mins. How do I know I wait that long? Cause I find myself reading all the magazines waiting in line, learning about insignificant people in the world, and who's mama is who and who's twerking and who wore a dress no one can afford and looks like a poor dead animal hanging from their body. I read these magazines (which is slowly killing my functional neurons) to prevent myself from bashing my head on the gum rack or floor from boredom. Everytime I come out of walmart, I feel the need to bathe in bleach and go home an re-edge-u-ma-kate myself.