Our go-to place for fresher food fare
When it comes to fresh vegetables and fruit, there really aren't a lot of good options. Most major markets sell stuff that has been atmospherically treated and controlled to look good, but is in fact old and plucked before it should have been for transportation purposes. They also have a "healthier" selection of processed foods. Sprouts gets us as close to tasty and healthy groceries as possible.
If you lead a busy life and strive to hit the healthy mark without investing a lot of time into research and an apothecary-type lifestyle, Sprouts is a reliable option.
We trust what they have on the shelves, cases, and displays. Meats are delicious and cost a bit more. Fruits and vegetables are flavorful... and are actually cheaper than competitors when we've compared. Selection of nuts, fruits, and grains is perfect for our needs. And while we don't visit the organic supplements area much, it's stocked full of things that should appeal to those who know what all that stuff is for.
My only knocks: Relatively slow cashiers, people don't know how to bag (more an indictment of all stores these days), and slow response at the deli case.