Comic books? I don't know diddly squat about comic books but my 5 year old wanted some Marvel ones after one of his friends got some. After looking at Yelp and seeing 4 1/2 Stars for Action Comics they made my short list of places to check out. And after one visit here I never made it to anywhere else....I didn't need to.
When I walked in it didn't take long until one of the staff was coming up to help me. He showed me how the store was layed out and how to find what I was looking for. He even took a few minutes and helped me go through a couple of the boxes and quickly helped me locate what I was looking for. After that I took a few more minutes to look around...and I liked what I saw.
The center of the store has tables setup for board games...and I saw quite a few different games in progress. I asked a couple of questions about one of the games...which I learned was Warhammer 40K and I got friendly attitude at all and they got me interested in learning more about the games.
As I walked around the store I have to admit it's packed around the edges...but that's part of what makes this place so appealing. They've got a lot of good stuff in there. When it comes time to check out I didn't have to wait very long, and again the service I received was great. I had questions about stuff I saw in the display cases on my way out and the staff was quick to answer. I love service with a wins me over every time.
I like this place, I will be back, but I'm glad I don't have time to get pulled into Warhammer 40K because it really looks like fun.
4 Stars. And oh yeah, I had a very happy 5 year old thanks to Action Comics & Sports!