| - I know many people will come to BOS Chiropractic specifically for structural adjustments, and if that's all you need, awesome! I know you'll have great results! I have seen several great chiropractors and even worked for some over the years. Dr. Bos offers so much more. I've had better results with him than any naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, western medical doctor or specialist. He is the first practitioner to understand my multifactorial condition and to address it from all angles. He is super knowledgeable in nutrition, and also understands the connection to mental and emotional health. I love that he is always learning and not intimidated by my complex health issues (I've received many "deer in the headlights" looks from various practitioners over the last 20 years). He is also humble, kind, and very attentive to his patients. He has been a godsend. So, whether you're just looking for an adjustment, or you are, like me, tired of going round and round with various practitioners and getting little results, please come see Dr. Bos. He has addressed issues with me that no other practitioner has even thought to mention.