| - This is just in 2015 alone:
When Palestinians murdered Rabbi Yaakov Don in a drive-by terrorism attack the headline was "Rabbi among three dead in West Bank shootings."
In November, when Israeli forces went into a hospital to arrest a terrorist who stabbed an Israeli civilian whose only crime was existing the headline yelled, "Israeli forces raid West Bank hospital" and spoke about how the Hamas member who was killed trying to fight these forces in the raid was beloved by family.
In October, when 2 Palestinian terrorists went on a rampage attack stabbing civilians, trying to murder them, and were killed in the midst of carrying out their savage mission, the headline read, "Palestinians shot dead by Israeli police in two separate knife attacks."
In August, the Star reprinted a GlobalPost article on how Israeli forces regularly shoot at Gaza fishermen. The article, oops, forgets to mention that there's a naval blockade in the area to prevent Hamas from smuggling weapons into Gaza, which they are known to do!
In July, the Star's YouTube page gave coverage to a comedian who joked about how PM Harper is an accomplice to Israel's "killing (of Palestinian) children and unarmed people." They also wrote an article in July about how Israel's Gaza blockade makes it hard to ship in medical supplies to Palestinians, even hough the REAL reason is that Gazans have a history of NOT PAYING FOR THEM! Nothing to do with the blockade!
And remember PM Netanyahu's anti Iran-deal speech to congress? The Star made sure to say ""Netanyahu notably declined to outline an alternative way to thwart Iran's nuclear ambitions," a lie taken straight out of the Obama camp. In fact, watch the speech! Bibi eloquently said
that the alternative to the present 'bad deal' is not no deal, still less war, but 'a much better deal,' using the threat of sanctions. That's an alternative!
This bias has been going on for years and all it does is incite people to believe that Israel, and Jews via association, are bloodthirsty killers when really the people they paint as victims look to murder innocent people and die as martyrs every day. It is shameful, antisemitic, and makes for a terrible customer experience as a former reader. I call upon anyone who is into truth in journalism not to subscribe to this trash.