Went into their shop today looking for a specific gun, most of the guys behid the counter were busy so i just browsed around. When one of them was available I i went up, gave a courteous greeting and he said he was tired. I then said "Hey i have a question for you" and he said yeah, brushed me asaide and then asked a coustomer behind me if he was done and asked if he could check him out. I was blown off mid question by a guy who was tired and sitting on his ass not doiong anything. meanwhile there were like 4 other people shooting the shit that he could have pointed me to to assist me. It was super rude and very disapointing. There were only 3 customers in the shop when this took place, and there were 5 people working. I dont think I should have had to been pushed to the side to get some help. the only reason i gave 2 starts was for the prices, they were very reasonable. They missed out on a sale today.