A friend and I went to this restaurant several weeks ago. At the end of the meal, the server whose name I won't mention (Sheryl), came to us with the check. Mind you, we still had glasses of wine on the table that we hadn't finished. She hands my friend the bill and my friend handed her her credit card. The server said (not nicely), "I need two credit cards." My friend told her that I would be paying cash. Instead of leaving the check on the table and saying something such as "Enjoy your wine and I will be back for the check," she stood at the table while I opened my wallet to get the money and STARED at me until I came up with the money. She would not leave the table. My friend and I are in our 60's, by the way. I had to come up with the money and figure out the tip while she hovered over the table. Afterward, I sent a letter to the restaurant manager explaining the situation to him or her and never heard a word back. I will NEVER go to Stella Mia again and plan to tell everyone I know about this disrespectful, unprofessional behavior.