My first 2 visits here were at night when they were lit up for the holidays so after living in the area for 22 years, i finally made it to visit on a warm Spring day.
There wasn't much in bloom yet since it was the beginning of Spring but there was enough to know I need to come back to see everything in its glory.
The orchid conservatory can be viewed year round as it is indoors. At one time I saw the master plan for these gardens and they certainly have a lot of work to do but they also have the land to do it on.
In the meantime, there is still plenty to see here with fountains and even and outside aviary with caged finches and a colorful Australian parakeet. Too bad he was beng shy and I couldn't get a good picture.
There are also a few nature trails surrounding the gardens which lead to the nearby Seven Oaks trail.
The price was $12 for adult. Some reviewers said this was high but I disagree. Your fee goes to maintenance, staff salaries, and expansion of the gardens, among other things.