I saw Charles to submit a claim on my iPhone only to find that Desiree lied about the phone exchange with insurance coverage. Desiree stated to my husband and I that I would "walk in the store and walk out with a brand new phone after my zero-down $250 deductible for lost, stolen or broken." Charles clarified the contract. Previously with Verizon, I feel that Verizon represents their products with more honesty to new potential customers. Charles redeemed AT&T as I would have highly discouraged others from signing contracts with AT&T due to lies from their sales representatives with my experience with Desiree Williams. I do not want to ever work with her again. I highly recommend pulling her off the sales floor for product & customer training! New customers speaking directly to the reps should be able to trust their words and need not read fine lines of the contract as they claim to explain the contract for you!
Charles on the other hand is a great asset to the company.