This ride was super fun! At first I was terrified of it, and I had to start out near the back and work my way up to the front because the idea of being in the front and feeling like I was about to plummet to my death was a little bit too much for me. It was intimidating, but once I rode it in the back first I found that I enjoyed it and it wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it was going to be. And I should mention that I do have a wicked fear of heights. The second time on, I rode just behind the front, and then after that I rode the front. It's jarring to see everything below from the front, but it definitely added the thrill to the thrill ride.
If you like these kind of rides, you should definitely get the unlimited ride pass. If you are a guest at the hotel, you can buy 2 for one passes. You can also get a discount if you get the players card for the hotel and you aren't a guest.