| - Just moving into the area, I came across this place and thought that BZ could be my nice little new hangout to come to after a long days work to catch a game and grab a few cheap beers. It does seem like a fitting place, but it kind of pissed me off when I went in there last night. Every single TV at the bar was tuned to March Madness and all I wanted to do was watch the Pens game. I kindly asked the bar keep if he could switch a TV for me to the Pens game and he said its on that TV over there. So one TV in the corner of the restaurant had the game on it and you couldn't even of sat at the bar to see what was happening on it. I could have understood more if the place was jam packed with people wanting to watch the March Madness games, but on a Thursday night at 9pm and only 3 people at the bar and a few TV's even showing the same game, I shoot the bar keep a look like really bud? But lo and behold the Pens game was still not put on so I had to squint with my eyes across the whole restaurant to watch. I thought about leaving and going next door to the Beermarket cause it was just one of those days and the majority of their TVs in there had the Pens game on when I walked by, but who wants to pay 6-8$ for a cold one...
That being said, they did have a cheep Miller Light 2$ ponder on special for March Madness so after a few of those my mood lightened up a bit. I also ordered a plethora of food throughout the evening. I started off with some wings, ehhh I'll pass next time. Pretty generic wing and hot sauce all around there. Plus for $11 I'd like to get more than ten pieces...Next up was the Truffle Fries. They were sprinkled with truffle oil, parsley, Parmesan cheese and some kind of lemon butter spread. Honestly I scarfed these down pretty quickly. They were delicious! Finally I settled on the Beef Sliders which were equally as good as the fries.
Besides being a little pouty about the Pens game not being able to be put on, I'll continue to come back here again since its within walking distance of my place and try some of the other sandwiches, burgers, and apps on the menus. Being a hot wing kind of guy, I think I'll pass on their wings though as they seemed pretty generic, but they do have a nice liquor and cocktail bar menu with a ton of drafts on hand if that's more your thing too.
I'm sure this is a cool place to come and pregame for before a Steelers or Pirates game as well.
I'd give this place a 3.5 if I could...Its not bad, its not great...but it could be better.
May your drink always stay cold!
Yours truly, the Shaw....