These guys like to rip people off. Do yourself a favor and stay away. Unless your rich and too impatient to wait at the DMV or go to ANY of their Kiosk's located all over the valley. These guys wanted to charge me an extra 179.00 to register my car. It cost me 3.00 to do that myself at the DMV kiosk. Also i was in and out of the DMV in less than 5 minutes. They where visibly upset that I choose not to use their services and tried to make a rude comment on my way out.
I'm also mad that they got 50 bucks out me for the smog test....made it seem like a great deal with free car washes too......but failed to mention that did not include the price to register the car. I will use the free car washes I paid for since I bought that crap thinking it was a great deal. And once all those washes are gone...I Will NEVER go back.