I went for a car wash here in March of this year and the employee there helping people pay told me about a special they were having for $12/mo for unlimited car washes. I signed up and was charged that amount to my account. I recently noticed that Clean Freak charged me $24/mo and have been charging me $24/mo since that following month in April. I was never told by their employee that the price would go up the following month and feel that your so called special was a scam for your costumers to sign up for monthly pass. That is until we find out you guys are charging us more and we decide to cancel cause it's to expensive. Even "IF" it were written in some fine print when we initially sign up, I feel I should've been told as well upon signing up and for that I felt scammed by this company. They are usually signing people up in line while other cars are waiting on us so we hear a good deal and trust were not getting scammed by the company but we're wrong. Why would someone wanna pay $24/mo when their car washes are $3 . And an average person probably washes their car once a week so $12/mo makes since for a fast pass but $24 a month is scamming people.