This place is NOT a Dr's office! This place is a fucking joke! Dr. Adrian Pinzon ... i can't believe you are even an MD and I'll be submitting a formal complaint against you. I came here seeking a medical professional and got an appointment with Dr. Adrian only to get somebody who had prejudice against me, and sat there smirking at me when I was in an accident earlier that day completely denying me of having any pain even when I told him I still suffer from pain when I was in another accident and suffered from a paralyzed face for half a year ago too. I've never been to a doctors office and been told that I need to workout the muscles where my injury is to heal. Only an asshole who wants to go home because it's close to closing says that! This guy didn't even give me any ibuprofen or anything! These people clearly are just "there to be there" and not there to do their jobs.. just trying to collect their paychecks. I wouldn't recommend this office for your kids, your wife or anybody who you love. Somebody you care about deserves the extra few $$ spent on a REAL DR OFFICE! And to you Dr. Adrian Pinzon.... GO BACK TO SCHOOL YOU UNPROFESSIONAL PRICK! YOU TOOK AN OATH AS A DOCTOR AND YOU DONT DESERVE TO CALL YOURSELF A DOCTOR. YOU ARE A FRAUD!