| - Where can you get a solid brick oven Neapolitan pizza, with all the pomp and pretense of any other upscale restaurant in Scottsdale? At Pomo, of course. Come in here and have some great pizza while enjoying the company of brats, poseurs, and waiters with fake Italian accents.
I showed up just as the dinner rush was ending. I wanted to say to the lady who was just leaving with her man, "Hey girl, that's a nice sports car you have there... I especially like the Chevrolet logo!" There was a guy out front stowing the outdoor wine bar. Inside were a bunch of people who looked like they think they are very important. Well, you know how dining in this part of Scottsdale is. You don't want to blame the restaurant for their clientele, but with the posh facilities and faux-Mediterranean architecture, this is definitely what they are going for.
Anyways, on to the meal. It was very difficult for me to get around the waiter with the fake Italian accent. Yes, that's right, I'm onto you! If your accent were real, you wouldn't have said... "Thank you!.... Gracie!" You would've said it in Italian first and then corrected yourself!
I asked if they would do a split pizza, because when I haven't been to a place before, I like to try a little bit more of a variety of options. For some reason, it was like pulling teeth here... When they acceded to my request, he acted like this was some amazing feat the chef had just accomplished. Really, he just had to throw different toppings on one half of the pizza than he did on the first. Rocket science? Not really. Fine, make me pay $3 extra for the split pizza...BUT DON'T EXPECT ME TO BE IMPRESSED!
As I left, I reflected on all of it... The pie, the fake Italian waiter, the completely misplaced ambiance. This place has no soul. And then I left, walking by the tables of diners eating it all up, probably thinking this is what it's like to eat at a family restaurant in Napoli.
Seriously, though, it was a good pie. Not the best in Phoenix by any means... We have local places that not only have better pies, but also lower prices and authentic old world charm. This place would be nice to visit every now and then were it not so damn pretentious.