Gates of hell- I'm not positive I would want to do this again. Most haunted houses people jump out and startle you in a maze. You jump and then laugh about it. In gates of hell they'll touch you and bring you "a little" pain. This adds a whole new fear to your haunted house experience. They shock you for some time and though those shocks don't hurt anymore then a rubber band snap they are very uncomfortable.
Everyone signs a waiver just before they go in and I'm sure that waiver says what they're going to do to you. But I didn't read mine just signed it like most others probably did. It could of said your not allowed to write reviews on your experience for all I know. They also have you a safe word and had you repeat it a couple times.
Overall I'm glad I did this. It was different, unexpected, a little uncomfortable and fun. This will probably be the most memorable haunted house I'll ever attend. For those giving this bad reviews I'm sorry but you had a safe word. If you were to uncomfortable you could of used it at any time. You don't like getting touched? Use the safe word at the start? Don't like getting pushed and yelled at? Use the safe word at the start. You don't like getting shocked? Use the damn safe word im sure many people have around then. That's what it's there for, no reason to bash the place because you were to proud and did not want to admit that this was too extreme for your liking. They give you the opportunity to leave at any time.