| - I just left here yesterday and didn't really have the best experience for my first time here.
I live on the southwest side of town so it was quite a drive over to them, maybe 45 minutes or so.
When I arrived, it was about 5:40pm, and they close at 6.
I walked in, was greeted by one of the staff members after I was looking at a pair of boots, and the first thing they said to me was "we close at 6."
So I replied "ok" and asked him to bring out the boots so I could try them on.
The boots didn't work out but I also needed to grab a few other items since I was there, so I walked to another part of the store that had outdoor equipment, keep in mind it's now about 5:50pm.
Twice I had different people come by and said we're locking up and closing, in my mind I thought I still at least had a few more minutes but I felt really uncomfortable so I decided to just leave as they kept circling around me.
I have to say, I left the store within a few minutes of being bothered and pestered to leave, so I jumped back into my truck, time is now about 5:55pm.
At this time, all the staff are out front, exited the building, and doors and security gates are locked.
Now here's my issue, I understand I may have arrived close to the closing time, but to keep getting nods and comments about them closing is actually rather annoying and pretty disrespectful as a customer, I just drove 45 minutes over to see you, only to be guided to leave 10 minutes prior to their actual hours of closing.
Speaking of respect, it's frustrating to be ushered out by a business before they actually close, but another issue arises, whoever owns this is getting disrespected as well.
If the three staff members that are there are closing 10 minutes early every day, and I don't know if they just did it that day, or if they do that every day without "them (the owner)" knowing, he's losing time of his business being open and losing business (not just mine).
With myself being a business owner of two businesses, I really see a big problem here as my mind tends to look at the big picture of things, the staff that's there may just think "oh well, it's only 10 minutes early we closed today", but it's not, it's those 10 minutes x every day of the week you're open x how many weeks in a year you're open, this becomes a much bigger and problematic number... can you see my frustration as not just a customer, but as a fellow business owner who see's that the owner is being highly disrespected by this problem and his staff?
I'm a very patient, very understanding person, I travel a lot and deal with a lot of unexpected situations and I can always just go with things, and I rarely write a bad review because I am so patient, but the minimal 10 minutes I spent here left a bad taste in my mouth.
The good thing about Vegas is that we're left with alternatives, and there are other surplus stores that I think might be a little more appreciative of their customers and business that comes in.
Just something to keep in mind and I hope they can make the necessary adjustments so they don't hurt themselves in business in the future, and hopefully, the owner/operator can be made aware of these issues if he isn't aware of what the staff is doing outside of his knowledge.