| - RUN from this place AS FAST AS YOU CAN! Undoubtedly the UGLIEST, most WHITE-TRASH hair color I have EVER had, including hair coloring jobs I have done myself at home. I showed the stylist the EXACT shade of blonde that I wanted, with pictures, and everything, but she was a very poor listener and ultimately decided to do what SHE wanted to do and what SHE thought would look better on me - without telling me in advance, by the way - and I came out with dark brown hair hair with an odd orange tint. My hair looks like Halloween (which was NOT the look I was going for). It is a very gothic look - I am WAY too pale to pull off color this dark. Ironically, the stylist lectured me quite a bit about the blonde color I had when I came in, telling me how "aging" it was to me, and how much it washed me out. Uh, news flash, sweetie: Dying someone's hair a harshly dark color also gives most people the effect of being very aged, and washes them out (as well as damages their hair shaft), but this ignoramus was clearly not experienced enough with color to know that. She didn't even know enough to apply a toner to the color! A good stylist is a good listener, and is someone who knows the color scale. I had gone in for a color touch-up (my roots were nearly an inch long), and the stylist talked me into a jacked coloring technique called balayage, a process that (unbeknownst to me) leaves you with a VERY dark center and then two- or three-toned color throughout your hair, so now, it looks like I STILL have super dark roots in need of a touch-up! Their salon is very dimly lit (which should have been my first clue that something was amiss), so I knew it was bad when I first saw the color result, but I didn't see how bad it was until I got outside in more light, and I very nearly died of mortification. Looks like an ugly calico cat. I have washed my hair 3 times in less than 48 hours with really crummy sulfate-laden shampoo in a desperate effort to scrub the hideous color out, and it has helped a little, but it is still monumentally, hideously ugly. I have also had to rush around desperately to find another salon to correct this, since their salon was closed the next 2 days in a row after their stylist did this to me (NOTE: I originally posted this review on a Saturday, and NO ONE from their salon reached out to me all weekend to apologize for my experience or ask if they could help resolve this; that should tell you how close of an eye the owner of this salon keeps on its stylists, and on its online reviews). Also, the same stylist did not give me anywhere near the cut I wanted. This is what $160 gets you in North Scottsdale, people, so be forewarned!. I am SOOOO disappointed in you Yelpers for posting such good reviews about this place - after reading all the good stuff, I thought for sure I would be in good hands, but this is absolutely the worst color job and worst customer service I have ever had. I should have noticed the total lack of bad reviews and noted that for the red flag that it was.