Basically after a long backpacking trip we crashed at the Lodge to shower and get some good sleep on a real bed. We ended up finding a nasty cockroach inside the shower curtain (it had two layers). While showering my friend saw this little guy staring back at her moving his little legs and antennas. SUPER GROSS. Anyways we call front desk and they said they would send someone up?? How does that even solve the problem? Are they going to just kill it for us? We didn't want to take roaches home from this room. We asked to switch so the front desk sent some maintenance guy and some chick to look fr the cockroach. He then proceeds to tell us its a cockroach stain and not to worry. Uh last time I checked a stain doesn't have antennas and legs that move around. Uhh do we look retarded? My friend literally watched it move around while she was showering. This was just crappy because we checked in late and just wanted to shower and rest. We ended up moving to another room but were weary of critters getting in our luggage. Did I mention we were on the 4th floor?