I wanted to mix things up a bit with our restaurant choices so I suggested Takamatsu. I hadn't heard anything about before but drive by it often and thought it can't be too bad.
We arrived and were seated within 15 minutes - not to bad for a Saturday night. We sat at our table for almost 20 minutes without menus or water. The server did come by and mention they had no more menus left....how does that happen?
Anyway, once we finally got our menu's we selected a few different kinds of beef, shrimp, & squid. The food came and we began to BBQ our hearts out. The waitress seemed a little concerned with our skills...I chalk it up to the fact that we let the Brits grill and well what exactly does a Brit know about grilling? It was a fun way to have dinner and I think everyone enjoyed the tableside grilling.
Once the meat was cooked we began chowing down...it was pretty good but I think we ordered way too much. I guess our eyes were bigger than our stomachs. It was no were near like the K'BBQ in San Jose but hey this is the desert and we are lucky to have even have this.
We tend to hang around and have a drink or two after dinner .The wait staff seemed really uncomfortable with this.I looked to see if there were folks waiting for a table - nope! I swear, every 10 minutes one of the wait staff would come by to check if we had paid. At one point, we hid the check so they would stop coming over and guess what...they brought us a new check?!?!?! WTF Maybe we looked a little shady? Who knows but we found it rather irritating.
I guess I'll need to give it another go to see if the service is better the next time around but overall it wasn't too shabby.