Walked into this place for the 5th or 6th time in the past 1.5 months just to be confronted by a waitress accusing my coworker and I of dipping out on part of the check 3 weeks ago. Yes 3 weeks ago. I asked for the details and she said the bill was $23 and we put a $20 down and left. She said she tried to chase after us but we drove off...... This of course is not true as neither my coworker or I would do this..... We asked for the receipt in the computer system because we were very confused and she was appalled we would ask for that. We apologized for the misunderstanding and even offered to square the bill away by putting $5.00 on the table. She stormed off banging dishes around and gave us nasty looks. A few minutes later we called her over and pointed at the $5.00 on the table just to hear her say, "It's up to my manager" and stormed off into the office with the $5.00 bill.....I don't appreciate being accused of dipping on a portion ($3.00) of the bill and won't be returning.