| - It's Walmart and they are all the same: extremely painful places to go into. You go in there to get something cheap that you are willing to put up with the crap to get it at that price for. I go there for dog food. The brand I buy is FAR cheaper there than ANYWHERE else.
But I have some doozy stories that would be hard to top by anyone writing reviews on here at this, particular WalMart.
Here's one of them:
Well, I don't spend much time there anymore, figure out what I need before I go in, get it and get OUT of there before - something happens. So it was on this day that I am referring to. I went to the Garden center to pay - I had parked back there on purpose to avoid the ridiculousness that they call cashiers, lines and whatever else going on up there at the front of the store (I have numerous stories about management and "gelling" with them up there as well).
Well, the Garden center exit was opened, meaning that there should have been someone at the register. There wasn't a single employee to be seen, anywhere.
I stood there for fully 5 minutes before I whipped out my phone and called Walmart. Yes, I called THAT Walmart from inside the store. I asked the person that answered if they could send someone over to the Garden Center to run the register. At first I was the only one waiting, after a while, there were several people waiting. Well, no-one showed up. I called again, this time asking for the store's manager. They put me on hold. I have been at this Garden center checkout for well over 10 minutes now, waiting for the phantom cashier to show up and now, waiting on hold. I was on hold for several minutes. No-one got back on the phone to tell me they were trying to get the manager on the phone, they were, apparently, just leaving me on hold and that would be the end of that.
As fortune would have it, the store's general manager and a bunch of suits came walking up to a department just on the inside of the store, not 50 feet away from me. The suits I assumed were corporate people. I didn't know and I never asked, but they definitely weren't shopping there, lol. I walked up to the manager and asked her if she was ever going to answer the phone? She had no clue what I was talking about. I informed her that I was on hold, right then and there, for HER to answer the phone. This was obviously embarrassing for her, but, I had waited and waited, enough was enough.
I explained to her the situation. All of it. We all walked back to the Garden center registers and lo and behold, a cashier had magically appeared. The manager, however, stopped her in the middle of what she was doing with a customer and brought her near where "we", the suits and I, were standing there, watching all of this. She asked the cashier if she has "abandoned her post"? Why yes, was the curt reply, someone had dropped a glass something-or-other and she had to go clean it up. Great, said the manager, but why did you leave the register unattended? Because, the reply came, of the mess on the floor. That cashier was rebuked, right in front of all of us.
I will say that that was a pretty poor decision on the manager's part. No matter how bad an employee messes up, you don't go giving out stern rebukes in front of customers, at least that's my opinion of it. But, I said nothing, just listened to it.
The manager got done with her and came back to me. Go ahead, you can go now. ??? I had a basket full of stuff. About $75 worth. I was confused. I hadn't paid for anything. I informed her that I hadn't paid for any of the stuff in my cart. She said, yes, I know, you are free to leave now. I mean, Walmart has all kinds of security, they have full time security and they have cameras EVERYWHERE. I wasn't ABOUT to walk out of there without extreme certainty that she was giving me permission to leave without even taking inventory of the items that I had in there.
She replied yes, that is all yours, sorry for the inconvenience. I thanked her profusely for the free items, you don't get THAT everyday, anywhere! I walked out of there with all that unbagged, unchecked stuff without a receipt and kept looking behind me. Is this some kind of nightmarish joke? Are they actually going to pay me back for making trouble about it by sending security after me? I continued to keep eyes on the back of my head all the way to my car and even as I was driving out of the driveway!!
I gave it 3 stars because usually, if you are willing to contact management, the ending is okay. Getting $75 worth of product for free was definitely a good ending!