Arrived here for our singLe night stay and was an hour too earLy for check in. The First Lady who encountered us in Line advised us to wait about an hour or sr pay an earLy check in fee of $40.
Lucky for us the mgr happened to be standing behind the check in counter and aLLowed us to move forward with check in and waived the fee.
The good stuff didn't stop there.
Being that our famiLy freQuentLy pLays at TI Quite a bit & that our current trip out to Vegas was to ceLebrate a birthday, he comp'd us a bottLe of champagne. WHOOOOO HOOO!!!
The exterior of the hoteL is beautifuL, interior is a bit outdated but it's not the worst I've seen.
Rooms range from teeny tiny cozy to massive depending on what your needs|wants are.
This hoteL offers up great service and at such an affordabLe rate. DefiniteLy worth checking out!!