| - I felt so uncomfortable throughout my haircut. Non-consensual massage with this electronic toy. I was like yoooo what is going on? Refused to do the cut I asked for (wasn't anything complicated) and insisted on something else he wanted to do. After I got the haircut he wanted me to, there was issues over payment. He told me he'd accept one form and then, he was like nope never said that. And it was awkward and, he asked me to leave my gym bag there as leverage while I go to an ATM I was like come onnn what are we talking about here? we talking about practice?? (Iverson reference). Anyways, please be safe, be assertive, say no, say yes, just be aware of potential discomfort. He also asks personal, intrusive questions while you sit and, I was the only one there in the shop and, I felt so grossed out. Ok that's enough, thanks for reading, it's me and you and zaboomafooooOoooo!