I had several people recommend this office to me. My 1st appointment for a skin check seemingly went fine. Maybe 6 months later, I noticed what I thought was a pimple in two spots on my forehead. I treated them, and they went away. Very quickly again they reappeared in the same spot. Hmm. Called and got myself an appointment to come in to have them checked. I received the call back within two days with the lab results that they were basal cells. =/ They did a referral for me to Valley Skin Cancer Surgery in their same office for a MOHS procedure. I called to schedule, and found that the appointment was 3 months out. Everything the day of the appointment seemed to go well; other than I was there a LOT longer than I had hoped. With stitches, I was sent home with instructions for the wound care. No mention was made of the need for a follow up appointment to have stiches removed...Agree with other comments on the lack of follow up.