First off I want to start by saying I rarely post a bad review. However, I feel like my experience should be shared. I brought my 4lb Maltese mix to get groomed, including a haircut. The cut was horrible they missed several spots and it's uneven. The worst part was that she was cut in several places. When I explained this to Michelle , I believe the owner she kept saying how bad she was and how much she didn't like it . To me making excuses for doing a poor job is the worst kind of customer service. It is your job as a groomer to make sure my dog is safe and not injured at the very least and if something does happen it is your job to let me know. I was charged full price and I didn't notice the cuts until I got home. She did reimburse me after coming back to the shop , but we still got the excuses of her not liking it. We have trimmed her at home and yes she didn't like it but we didn't cut her. As a nurse if I have a combative patient I am still going to give them the best care I can and find ways to treat them without hurting them, they are most likely afraid or have some cognitive issue. I would be reported to the State Board of Nursing if I gave the kind of care they gave my dog.