Ate here for the first time last night. Overall, the food was pretty good. The service was okay.
My biggest complaint is from when we paid our check; we had a Visa gift card so we asked them to use that first and then use a regular credit card for the remaining balance. A few minutes later, the waitress came back with the manager who explained that because of something about the system they use, they only charged $27 of the bill to the gift card, and "had" to use the remaining $9 card balance for the waitress' tip. Then they charged the rest to the credit card. The manager said he "wanted to be up front" about that and let us know that the waitress had already received a essentially, the manager tipped the waitress $9 instead of letting us choose what to leave. In the future, I would suggest being "up front" about that BEFORE you do it. Give your customer the courtesy of knowing that they're not going to have the option of how much tip to leave before you charge the card. It's not so much the $9 that I'm disappointed about, it's the fact that we weren't given the choice to leave it. Just seemed kind of sneaky that they were "upfront" about it, after they already did it.