Visited Zappys auto wash in Chardon Ohio on June 18th at 1 pm.
mentioned to the guys working that I couldn't get my antenna off my truck, they said it wasn't a problem and that they'd get it for me! They couldn't get it by hand so they got a wrench from the office and got it off. The young man didn't mention that he scratched a half circle into my brand new truck. As soon as I got out of the wash to put it back on I noticed the very prominent scratch and filled out an incident report and the man apologized. The company didn't call me or email me back so I went back up to the Chardon location and was told the manager jumps to different locations and to try the Concord office. I went there and was bombarded by many workers at a time! All I did was ask for Aj Zappitelli and explained why and I got kicked off the property and they threatened to call 911 on me said to have my attorney call theirs and more! I have been a customer and have had my taxes done there for over 5 years! They were so rude and didn't care at all to talk to me about what happened. My boyfriend called to talk to them about it and they laughed saying their guys don't take antenna off and I'm on my own with it. Worst experience and left crying with my three year old on my hip. They just lost mine and my families business.