I am a long time owner at Orange Tree and I love this place very much. For about the last 5 years, I have been taking my week vacation and spending it at Orange Tree, a 'Staycation' so to speak. All was very good with our stay except one thing. We had lunch at the resort on Wed. the 24th. Our server was nice enough and did a good job. Our bill was $18.13, she gave me change as if our bill was $19.00 When I asked her why she did not give me change, she said that she gave me change, I said what about the 87 cents in coins. She said the she just rounds off. WHAT!? Rounds off!? From $18.13 to $19.00? Why not round down to $18.00? I have NEVER heard of this rounding off procedure. So she has taken it upon herself to take 87 cents from me. Now I understand 87 cents is not a big deal and it certainly will not break me but it is the idea that this person took that liberty. I was not very happy.
So if you eat at the Grove in the Orange Tree resort be sure to check your bill and count your change.