Not only costumes, they also sell novelties here. Love me some novelties!
They've got a lot of the classics here. Fake dog poo. Bug in an fake ice cube. Fart lollipops. All the stuff you used to have to send away for, they've got it here! Where my X-Ray Spex at?
The most entertaining part of the store was the Black Cat on duty. As I was checking out the novelty section, the cat came over and wanted a little attention. I tried to ignore it, but it wasn't having any of that. It was so insistently friendly I literally LOL'd.
I wasn't really interested in the costumes, but I did enjoy checking out the selection of hats here. Wow, they've got some beauties!
Mikey C says: Thirteen's my lucky number,
To you it means stay inside.
Black cat done crossed my path,
No reason to run and hide.