As a VERY avid concert-goer, this is one of my least favorite small venues in town.
The layout is HORRIBLE. Small venues are my favorite, so the size isn't an issue, but the way it's designed drastically cuts down on standing room and it ends up overcrowded. There's the main floor right at the stage, then a couple steps up there's a VIP area, and another few steps up is the bar area with some additional standing room. The steps and split levels make it hard to find a good spot to stand. There'd be a lot more room if it was all one big floor like the Vinyl or other venues.
Drinks are expensive. A coke was $5. I can only imagine what alcohol costs.
In general I'm not a fan of the SLS. I used to go to the Sahara all the time back in the day for $1 blackjack and the SLS is basically just makeup on a pig.
Gets 2 stars instead of 1 because the sound was good and Kansas was AMAZING. It always blows my mind how talented these guys are- right up there with Rush and Dream Theater.