| - Driving up McClintock out of the corner of my eye I swore I saw a Jay's potato chip sign. So what does a Chicago transplant do? An abrupt u-turn brings me to Scotti's Market on Warner & McClintock, next to the first and original Rosati's Pizza from Chicago.
The place is authentic, products from Chitown that are hard to find in the valley. A traditional menu, my only regret was I wasn't really hungry. But, that has never held me back before. I ordered the Chicago dog, it was right on the money! The Vienna all beef kosher dog has that snap when you bite in, steamed poppy seed bun, pickle spear, tomato wedges, onion, neon green relish and mustard. Damn good dog.
I will make a point to stop in again soon and try the other Chicago staples and update. For now, I give it two thumbs up!