I love MAD ABOUT DOGS! I love the energetic vibe and flow of the establishment. Madeline and the staff gel well. My yip-yappee chihuahua named Dallas didn't bark a sound. We dropped him off smelly and returned 1.5 hours later to a spiffy Dallas who had obviously received a haircut with his bath. I am most impressed with his haircut. Dallas is a short haired chihuahua whose been going to PETCO for the same services for about a year now. Customer service was always great, but Dallas never received a haircut. In fact, he assumed the role of "the shedder" in the car both to and from his grooming visits; my dark colored clothing never survived. This was NOT the case when I picked him up from Mad About Dogs. Here we are nearly 7-days later, and still no shedding. The main thing is they cut his hair and brushed it. THANK YOU. I know he's naturally short-haired but the fresh haircut is noticeable. Alas! Dallas has found a new groomer and I don't have to wear pet fur anymore.