Hallelujah! I finally found the Holy Grail of Gynos! After visiting 2 OB/GYNs who only seemed to be put on this planet to deliver babies and who could care less about a woman's health - I hit the jackpot by finding Kim Roberts.
What everyone has said about Kim on here is correct! Caring, compassionate, kind, really interested in helping you. Unlike other Gynos that make you get undressed right away and take no time to talk to you - Kim spends a few minutes talking to you first as a human being (while clothed) trying to understand your health and concerns. I immediately felt comfortable with her right away vs being on edge with the other 2 doctors.
Kim is a Nurse Practitioner and I have been lucky to have some great NPs previously. As a woman who chose not to have kids - I don't need a doctor to be judgemental about my choice - Kim is far from that type of doctor.
So glad I found her. If you are in the market for a new female doctor - call Kim Roberts at West Valley Women's Care!