It was terrible. I was on my honeymoon with my husband and on our last night we decided to go to the buffet. Now, since we have been in Las Vegas for a week, my feet were sore and my ankle was in a lot of pain. We were staying at Imperial Palace so we decided that it would be best if we just stuck to the buffet in our hotel. I should have sucked it up and walked. The decor is bad...I felt like I was back in the 80's. It was very empty and they charged us $22 for a semblance of a buffet. Bad selection, bad quality, and badly cooked. The only good thing were the crab legs...and I didn't even get to finish that because my husband got very sick mid-meal and we had to run, yes RUN back to the hotel room. He was sick to his stomach for the next day and a half. It's not worth the money-take your money to a better buffet.