| - This place is the bee's knees! I've been craving momos forever and finally got my fix. Came on a Thursday evening and there was only two other parties inside. We were able to get street parking right in front, which made it easy for me with my crutches. The decor is very minimalistic, and not much to brag home about, but that's not why I go. We pretty much already knew what we wanted, and ordered right away. The only thing I would say I'm not a fan of, is that they bring everything out at once. We ordered the chicken corn soup, chicken steamed momos, pan fried beef momos, chili garlic noodles, chili chicken, and tea. The steamed momos were delicious, and were complimented well by the sauces they provide. Momos I find to be more stickier than Chinese dumplings. The soup hit the spot for such a cold night, and with some hot sauce inside, it was a party for my tastebuds. The chili chicken threw me off at first because it was in a gravy, but it was still delicious and went well with the noodles. I don't find them to be spicy at all, but more so flavorful. For everything it came up to just under 50 bucks, plus tip. It was a lot of food for the two of us, but great leftovers for the next day.