I had the choice between a pedicure or a haircut/wash/dry as a present from my lovely boyfriend yesterday as part of our Valentine's Day celebration. A pedicure and leg massage sounded great so I looked up salons in the area and found decent reviews for Paulene's.
After I walked in they had me pick out a color and sent me to a chair. A girl walked up with a plastic liner for the tub and set it in, then turned on the water. It wasn't feeling very hot and she asked me if the temperature was ok and I said I would like it hotter, like REALLY hot. And she smiled and nodded like she understood me. But it was just luke warm. I thought maybe she would add more hot but no. She asked me again and I said it's still not hot enough. I think she either ignored me and didn't want to drain the water and refill it or something I don't know. Either way I gave up and sat back, already sad because the hot water is one of my favorite parts. She was also SO quiet I could barely understand her. Usually it's not a problem for me knowing what someone is saying even if they have an accent, but she was speaking in a whisper and I had to ask her a few times to repeat what she had said.
I decided to get the salt scrub pedicure it was $5 more than the regular at $29 total. She clipped my nails and cuticles, did a pumice stone scrub, then brought the salt scrub out. I really like their foot rests here, they aren't flat but more at an angle, and can be tilted forward or back to accommodate what is going on. So none of that awkward lifting your feet and your leg getting tired deal. The salt scrub felt great and she spent a lot of time on the massage. After rinsing she rubbed in a lotion, then went to the back and got hot stones as well as a hot wet towel to wrap my feet in. After all this she used some type of oil on the already lotioned legs and that felt super soft!
She started on the clear coat and then color. I chose a dark tan and there were barely any mistakes so I was happy. I sat for at least fifteen minutes to make sure they were dry. I brought cash so it wasn't a problem to pay and leave a tip.
I would go back here for the great service for a decent price, but I will be sure to make it clear from the first moment I walk in that I will accept nothing but painfully hot water ;)