It's the rice that makes the sushi. Bad rice makes bad sushi and here it was just bad. Sorry, not sorry...
First, let me say that I can be a bit of a hand washing freak, but for good reason. I've seen the bacteria that grows from door knobs, cash and elevator buttons and would prefer not to consume any of that. Anyone handling cash and preparing food needs to wash their hands between EVERY transaction which is something Andy did not do. I know he gets busy and he's a sweet guy but even he needs to follow one of the basic rules of food prep.
Now, to the sushi...I went for a basic salmon roll and chose a shrimp roll as my second selection. The fish was just okay. I mean I guess I expected to really be wowed since I was in Robert Wholey's "house" but I wasn't. The rice was mushy, not sticky, and it didn't hold together. I like my rolls tight! I want the flavors to explode in my mouth like POW...yeah, that's it...that's how I like it.
I enjoyed listening to Andy talk to the customers and, heck, I even enjoyed his "show" but...the sushi....I can't. really sorry.