Thought they did a great job, diagnosed and gave meds to both my dogs. spent $300. The problem is that's all they want is more tests and more money when we already know what makes my dog feel better and what works. I've called, BEGGED, tried numerous times being on a set income and a single parent to please just fill my dogs script. BUT NO WAY. Not without another $50 visit and more blood work which is who knows how much money. I've asked to speak with the doctor personaly, however she did not return my call and the girls answering the phones who I've begged to just get my dogs the medicine they need. Prednisone an antibiotic. And you would think I'm asking for oxycotin. So I will pay more money to try someone else. Its sad as my dogs can be treated with 1 pill daily, but they won't give me the meds.