| - Don't make the mistake of relying on the glowing Angie's List reviews like D.J. and I did! They were so misleading...
If you hire this company expecting professional painters, you'd better think again. What we were promised and what was delivered when they said they were "done" could not have been further from each other. It took THREE additional visits by a different crew to fix the botched job done by the first crew. Despite a lone helpful employee's efforts to make things right, our move-in timetable had to be delayed by nearly a week and we racked up additional moving expenses throughout this ordeal. They offered us a paltry 17% discount for our troubles, which was laughable. They should have paid US.
Save yourself the nightmare and avoid Arizona Painting Company.
Update (6/18/14): Yes, in the end they did refund our charges after I refused to accept a 17% discount. Still, we paid for the job in our time and inconvenience. The efforts required to fix all the f--k ups (for lack of a better word) from the first crew were tremendous! How those yahoos were ever trusted to do a job right is beyond me.
One of the worst parts of the experience I didn't even bring up in the first review. After the first crew had left from the first visit after they thought they were "done," I spoke with an employee at APC and expressed my disappointment at the quality of the work. They said they would send someone out the next day to have a look and see what they can do. A few minutes after I hung up the phone with this employee, I get a call on my cell phone from one of the painters who had just left the house. He proceeded to confront me, saying I HEARD YOU'RE MAD AT ME!! He angrily grilled me about why I wasn't happy with the quality of the work and was obviously taking it very personally. To receive direct and verbal retaliation from an Arizona Painting Company employee was extraordinarily inappropriate, BEYOND UNPROFESSIONAL, and was threatening. This man knew where I lived and had been inside my home. If he was so upset, what was going to stop him from coming back? I get chills just thinking about that memory.
So in the end we didn't waste any money on these yahoos. It's been over a year and I'm still noticing their f--k ups that never got caught (paint on the lighting fixture, etc.). Don't waste your time and energy on them like we did.