Usually great inspiring mass. Tonight Fr Bried crossed the line of separation of church and state.
Preaching about writing our congressman to prevent the current health cate bill being passed "to help the poor" at the neglect of millions who can no longer afford healthcare because of skyrocketing premiums. Did he ask the congregation to pray for our congressman or President to have wisdom in guiding a revision of the bill to extend care for all those in need? No.
A priest quoting MSNBC but forgetting to quote actual scripture --"love thy neighbor as thyself" doesn't prioritize any group over any other group in the quest to care for the 'sick, deaf, blind and lame'. Scripture reminds us that we will always have the poor with us, despite what bill is passed.
I have never heard a priest claim to be apolitical then quote the cost of the wall and propose those dollars be used to fund the poor. Three of the biggest healthcare systems are Catholic, why not propose that those Catholic health systems provide free care in order to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Where was this priest when Obama was turning the other cheek on Syria or placing millions of hard working Americans at healthcare jeopardy while extending social services for others?
This priest needs to join Rachel Maddow and re-read scripture because he certainly has lost his way.