My best friend and I came here one evening, It's the closest near my apartment and we were ordering our drinks as well as my roommates and my boyfriend..So that's a total of 5 drinks. However my best friend wanted to pay, she refused in letting me do it, now this is the BAD part...she forgot her wallet at her house in Queen Creek :/ we canceled the order and left....
Now a week goes by and just as my best friend and I were walking in laughing about how embarrassing the last visit was it was the same girl who took out order before, she seen us and immediately looked over at her co-worker and whispered something. Now I'm not the one to be judging, but I HATE when there is no confrontation..we walked to the cash register and she didn't even smile or greet us, we just had to say our order without being asked!!! Lack of customer service, and a little bit snobby I would say! I mean we made a simple mistake of forgetting out wallet, which I know we are not the only ones who have done it before. Overall great drinks as always but I won't be doing service with that particular girl anymore!!!