| - Well, color me surprised... After one too many beers at Unknown, we ubered into Southend STARVINGOMGNEEDFOODTOSOAKUPTHEALCOHOLIMMEDIATELY. Unfortunately, we were greeted with an hour wait for our party of 8 at Futo Buta, so down the tracks we wandered. (Don't worry, we didn't actually walk ON the tracks.) And, behold... Hot Taco! I know what you're thinking... This isn't going to end well. But, I'm here to tell you, I think Hot Taco might have turned a corner!
After reading so many bad reviews, I was nervous and might have grumbled a little bit when our dinner plans changed from delicious ramen to questionable Mexican, but again... Really pleased with the experience at Hot Taco! Service was spot on. Several friendly waitresses dealt with our drunk shenanigans and were super attentive. Chips and salsa came out immediately. Drinks were fairly cheap. ($6.50 for the house margarita.) Menu offered the usual Mexican fare -- tacos, burritos, quesadillas, etc. I had the mole chicken enchiladas with rice and beans. Solid plate of food! Ted had a burrito that was only slightly smaller than the state of Texas.
I hope Hot Taco has hit their stride after a bumpy opening! I'm certainly excited to have a new spot in South End to stumble into after a few beers and regret staying away/judging a book by it's 3-star rating for so long.