Publix always has what I want. And likely they have everything I don't even know I want. I stop at this location quite often. They have a great setup and an amazing selection. They never fail to fill my cart and that's always a good thing.
My challenge with this particular store is with customer service. I'm not sure why, but every time I go they seem to have to few people at checkout.
I just popped in to pick up 4 items. It took me 30 secs to park and less than 2 minutes to find my ginger ale, bag of chips and Pace Picante Salsa. Then I headed to the front to checkout and that's where the drama always begins.
Two lines were opened when I reached checkout. Both lines had folks lined up and as it happens everybody had full carts. Ugh!
I saw a team member standing in another lane but it wasn't opened. I asked him if he could take me since I only had 4 items and he directed me to the much longer lines. Fine. I went and stood there patiently. Then, less than 2 minutes later he walked to the 3 patrons in line behind me and told them he was opened and could take them. What what?
I guess I was invisible. Must be the only reason I was passed over. I bit my tongue and waited for the ladies in front of me to finish. Oh wait? PRICE CHECK! Delay, delay. COUPONS....delay, delay. Meanwhile the newly opened line was moving at WARP 9. Captain Picard was at the helm and he was scanning items so fast all
I saw was a blur.
3 people checked out, then 4! I'm in grocery Hell. I looked up and finally I moved up and the scanning began....scan 1,2,3,4! Done. Took longer for me to write the word "Scan" than it took to check to me out.
I am a crazy person for good customer experiences. Today, Publix was an epic fail. I'm just beyond myself that I wasn't asked to come to the new line since I initiated it's beginning.
Please work on your customer experience. Until then...I'm on hiatus.