This place is okay, but I don't think I will return. I went on a Saturday afternoon for a Swedish massage for two with my mom.
When we got there, I was a little thrown off when I saw men walking through the locker room. I wasn't aware it was co-ed, nor did the front desk inform us. I enjoyed the lounge and tea before the massage. Definitely go early if you can.
My cousin actually got a massage in the salt cave and told me it wasn't worth it. So we didn't get our massages in the salt cave and it was done in their yoga studio. They didn't have another room big enough for a massage for two. It was kind of awkward with mirrors covering two of the walls, but that's what you can expect from a studio!
As someone who gets massages once a month, I wasn't very impressed. I had to ask my RMT to apply more pressure about 3 times. If you're like me and prefer deep pressure, go somewhere else. I found it to be a little cold in the room and my RMT was able to find a portable heater to use. I didn't like the oil that was used.. it wasn't very watery and felt more like lotion than oil.
Although my massage wasn't the best, this place has very friendly staff. The ladies at the front desk were very nice and there was also an esthetician walking by when we were browsing the skincare products after our massages. She was very helpful and happy to answer our questions.