LaVar, Robert, and Tony, ASK FOR THEM! When a woman at our Uhaul ran out if money and the truck was still loaded she stood there crying with her four kids.
My kids and I jumped in and started unpacking her stuff.
Susan in the Uhaul office loaned us equipment and offered the kids a drink. We were hauling boxes. LaVar, Robert and Tiny loved double time. Instead of unloading in the hall they unloaded into the elevator.
Then the guys started moving furniture, while the others tidied the truck for their next job.
They have four jobs ahead if them, but used their break to get this stuff unloaded.
As a team we kicked some mouse ass!
They didn't have too, but like us, they couldn't leave her standard.
Without costing the company time they got it done! Kudos.
We'll only use them from now on.