Before I even set foot into this place I became angry. I hadn't even made it to the entrance when one of the employees (this overly animated teenage boy) nearly ran into me after pretending to punch a wall. As I entered the store, he walked uncomfortably close to me. To get some distance, I started to walk in the opposite direction he was headed, but the idiot swerved around me and then stopped in front of me to help another associate pick up a piece of furniture. To avoid running into him, I had to step around him only to narrowly avoid colliding into a another employee (this time a teenage girl).
As far as the store itself goes, you can't expect much since the items sold here are donated and just a step away from ending up in the trash. After all, where else besides maybe a flea market or a yard sale can you purchase used underwear for $0.99? Or a rusted oven or lawnmower that could give you tetanus? Or furniture with springs poking out of it?
Look, I'm all for donating unwanted items to others, but I would at least make an effort to donate items that others would actually want.