| - While at Starbucks (am I that predictable?), I decided to ask some of the locals where they would go to eat. They gave me two choices and, after Yelping, I chose Denunzio's Italian Trattoria. You know, I am coming to understand why so many people like chain restaurants -- they are consistently average. I can handle that. This was not average. Having been to MANY Italian/Sicilian style restaurants, I think that I have a lot more to compare with. On our menu tonight:
Meatballs with Red Sauce
Provolone sticks with Red Sauce
Chicken Piccata (they spell Picata) with Italian Wedding Soup and Angel Hair Pasta with Marinara Sauce
Veal Parmesan (light sauce) with Italian Wedding Soup and Baked Rotini (light sauce)
If you live in the area and this is the place you love and you aren't going to visit anywhere else, please don't read on. I don't want to shatter your fragile reality. If you are willing to come out of the dark though, please read on. This review will be slightly different than the norm due to the overall poor quality of the meal. All that comes to my mind is, "Wow!" How can they serve this food and people enjoy it?
Open a can and voilĂ you have your food! No, really. The red sauce was just tomato sauce straight from the can with little smatterings of seasonings. The marinara sauce was stewed tomatoes from the can with a little of the tomato sauce added. I am not opposed to he flavors, mind you, but I can go to Sam's and purchase a great big can of each of these "sauces" for quite a bit less. Why would I pay a restaurant to do it for me?
Speaking of Sam's, those provolone sticks are directly from their freezer. Not only were they purchased at Sam's, but they weren't even properly cooked. UGH! The bread was okay, but wasn't baked at the restaurant. I tried some of the olive oil on the table and wished that I hadn't. I don't think that the oil had been changed for several years. PLEASE change the olive oil, it can and WILL go bad. What is currently on the table has gone beyond rancid.
I must say that the best part of the meal was the Italian Wedding Soup. This is due to the fact that it had little to no flavor rather than bad flavor. Even a little salt would have helped the soup some. Everyone should take note, I NEVER add salt to anything.
And then the entrees. I know that I am critical, but my friend is usually easier to please. Looking at his face after his first bite of the Veal Parmesan, I asked him how he liked it. His comment, "Yes, I too have been spoiled." The grimace did not leave his face; he thought it was ketchup that had been used on the Veal. I tried some and it was tough. My Chicken Piccata was not much better. The cooks in the back didn't understand what they were doing. The sauce was both overcooked and undercooked at the same time. It was like a sludge (over-cooked) on the plate due to it being over-reduced, possibly it was a thickener? Then there was the wine flavor, that flavor you get when you don't cook out the alcohol (under-cooked). The chicken was tough like the veal.
The only bright part during the entire meal was the server. She was always on top of things and always chipper. I didn't have the heart to tell her how bad it was. And the $30 per person price tag just put the nail in the coffin for me. I did see that they served Sandwiches and Pizza. Maybe these are good? I don't know. I do know that I don't want to return.