Alert: Boca Park has been frozen over with Pinkberry!!!!
Not being from America I will break bread, this is my first time to PinkBerry!!!! The first time I actually heard of Pinkberry was on an episode of America Dad, "wwwwhhaaat" your thinking. Yep it's true!
Ok so PinkBerry is located in Bocca Park, Summerlin on the rampart and lake mead cross streets. If you drive through Bocca you'll find it next to Embers and across from Kona Grill. When looking for the store I found it a little hard as the PinkBerrry Sign blended nicely into the building, so look for Embers or the green seating area.
The layout has three small tables with umbrellas out the front with two small tables inside. Your ordering from right to left on the counter. PinkBerry is very corporate so you know they have everything down.
When arriving I was greeted by Mike welcoming my son and myself Into Pinkberry. After giving us the tour of the menu and the general to do about the business, I decided to give Mike the run of what out final product was. He delivered up some Original with raspberry, blueberry and chocolate flakes!!!! It was extremely tasty and not too overpowering.
If you compare to say uswirl the small differences are they serve you, you don't grab it yourself, and also at uswirl there are a lot more choices of topping. But sometimes more Toppings mean less self control.
Pinkberry will be great for Bocca park, one place I believe I will be back too.
Service: 5-5
Price: $$$
Food: 4-5
Come Back: If the service stays the same, absolutely