So I visit this store at least once a day while I am at work, sometimes twice a day, so I thought things could only get better........ I guess I couldn't have been more wrong :-/
So I have long since given up on them learning my name (at least at this store) and as for memorizing my drink, I guess that's certainly out of the question, because we all know how hard it is to remember a Grande black coffee!! I rarely order anything else, because when I do they always seem to get it wrong. For some reason this store can't seem to understand what you mean when you order "non-fat" and then when you correct them on it, they get upset that they have to remake your drink.
But today was the creme de la creme of crappiness at this location! I went in and ordered my usual Grande black coffee, and the barista told me that they didn't have any brewed, so he started brewing some and then charged me the $2.11. He then proceeded to help the next few people in line and of course he completely forgot about my coffee. So about 10 minutes later I went back up to the counter and asked if my coffee was ready and he said "oh yeah" and he poured my coffee and then instead of giving me my coffee, he proceeded to to walk over to another barista and have a random chat with her while holding my coffee?! When he finally did make his way to the counter, I grabbed my coffee and started to walk out. It was at that point he began talking to the other baristas and the people in line about how I didn't pay for my coffee!!! Was he actually serious!! I only wished he hadn't wasted my whole entire lunch break waiting for my coffee because I would have tore into him!
Dear tall barista at Sbux thanks for being such a jerk today and ruining my lunch break!